Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 04/08/2012 - 19:03

Hey Mr. Wood, Michael P. from Per. 4 with quiz answers! 1. Musuem of the North at UAF 2. MT. Mckinley 3. The snow's depth 4. 3 years old 5. Smiley 6. To keep Tamale out 7. Ancorage, Alaska 8. Respiration, because photosynethisis is shown in lines 9. Butch and Tamale 10. Fred Meyers 11. Oxbow Lakes 12. Yukon Quest 13. H.O.B.O weather station used to let you know whats going on in an area's weather including CO2 levels 14. Thermokarasts 15. right 16. 1

                      Thank you Mr. Wood, and in cased you missed it this is Michael P. Per. 4, Bye

John Wood

Good work on the quiz. I will let you know how it come out.Thanks,
Mr. Wood