Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 04/13/2012 - 11:32

Hi Mr.Wood! Here are my awnsers to the quiz #1.

1) The building in the picture is The Musiem of the North located on the university campus. 2)The official name of the mountain in the background of the picture is Mt. McKinley. 3)Mr.Wood is measuring snow depths from the smiley plots with the long probe. 4)The dog in the picture is three years old. 5)The name of the buddy instruyment is Smiley. 6)The refrigerator door is taped shut to keep Temale out because she was getting into the refrigerator and making a mess. 7)Mr.Wood is getting ready to land at Anchorage. 8)The graph shows resperation because even when decomposition is low,there is more CO2 being given off from resperation than there is CO2 being taken in from photosynthesis. 9)The black dog on the left is named Butch and the dog on the right is named Tamale. 10)Mr.Woods favorite grocery store in Fairbanks is Fred Meyers. 11)The kind of lakes that have been formed from the river are oxbow lakes. 12)The painting shows The Yukon Quest race that begins and ends in Fairbanks. 13)The insruments name is HOBO,and its job is to record data about weather and CO2 levels that Elizabeth collects every two weeks. 14)The feature near the lake that the photo is showing is the thermokarst or light sunken area. 15)The right side of the fence is the leeward side or the side thatr has more snow pile than the windward side. 1)Tommy T-Bird has appeard in the journals including the videos 2 times.

John Wood

Good job on the quiz. I will let you know how it comes out.Thanks,
Mr. Wood