Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 04/04/2012 - 21:13
  1. Museum of the North.
  2. Mt. McKiney.
  3. Measuring the Depth of the snow .
  4. 3 years old.
  5. Smiley Post .
  6. Tamale keeps tring to open the refigerator.
  7. Fairbanks.
  8. Respiration.
  9. The two dogs are Butch and Tamale.
  10. Fred Meyer.
  11. The Oxbow Lakes. 12.Yukon Quest
  12. HOBO which tell you the wind speed and its direction.
  13. Termokarst 15.Left
  14. Tommy has only been in one journal.

John Wood

Good job on the quiz. I will let you know how it comes out.Thanks,
Mr. Wood


OkThank you