Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 04/17/2012 - 18:19

Hi, I was absent the week before spring break because I had my tonsils and adenoids removed, and I had just found out about the quiz today. My answers are listed below.

  1. The building is the museum of the North

  2. The official name is Mt MKliney

  3. taking co2 samples

  4. dog is 3 years old

  5. Smiley

  6. Tamale broke in to the fridge

  7. Anchorage

  8. respiration

  9. Tamale and Butch

  10. Froy Meyers

  11. oxbow lake

  12. no the painting is not it, Yukon Quest

  13. name: HOBO job: speed in meters per second

  14. Thermokarst

  15. right

  16. 1

John Wood

Good job on the quiz. I will let you know how it comes out.Thanks,
Mr. Wood