Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 03:36

Hi John, Great to see your journals--it's the next best thing to being there myself. I heard there was a lot of snow this winter, but didn't realize the extent until I saw the picture of you a the Smiley plots. Pretty different than last year! Since there is so much snow insulating everywhere, it will be interesting to see how much warmer the winter warming plots will be this year, compared to control. Have fun out there and stay warm! I can't wait to join you in a few weeks. Sue

John Wood

Yes, you should be here and see this. But since you can't I'm glad the photos help. I was pretty impressed when we got out to the site and you could see that the entire area is covered with more snow than last year. The snow fence areas are not "mounds" this year, they are much larger rises in the overall snow cover. Both sides of the fences are piled also. I know it is a month earlier for me than last year, but it does look like there will be plenty more snow to shovel when you get here!Hi to all, thanks for the input,