Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 04/15/2012 - 19:08

Hi Mr.Wood, this is Chris Purry from period 5

1.I think that that place is Masame Norths Campsite. 2.I think that the montain in the backround is Mnt.Erebus 3.I think that he is measuring how much snow there is and the carbon compacity. 4.I think that that dog is named onyx. 5.I think that you call it the Happy Cam. 6.I think that the frige is taped shut so that it wont freeze the food inside. 7.I think that that place is Finland. 8.I think that that graph is showing photosynthesis. 9.I think that those two dogs are Lizzy and Shrimp. 10.I think that that shops name is the ACR store. 11.I think that it is a canyon. 12.I think that that race was called Akiack. 13.I think that that michene is called an anolizing composer. 14.I think that that thing next to the river is a subdution zone. 15.The right is the leeward side.

John Wood

Good try on the quiz, but you may want to look at some more the journals and try it again.Thanks,
Mr. Wood