Hello Mr. Wood. This is Kyle Lawrence. Like the other gazillion kids, Im going to answer your Question. First of all, I chose the Arctic Sea Ice Topic, and my Question was "What can we do to keep this change from happening?"
This is very complicated question because many factors are in play. This is still a worldwide complication, and we still haven't had much success. But, we've had this problem before. When we used to use CFC's, we were affecting the Ozone hole. When we figured out the problem, we banished CFC appliances and everything was okay. But now were facing a problem where were burning oil, making our planet warmer, and melting Arctic Sea ice. So we are going to have to banish gas fueled cars. But, so many people use cars, and we can't just tell everyone to not use them. So we have to somehow find and alternate fuel, Hydrogen maybe, or we'll have floods, from melted ice. I hope I ANSWERED THIS Quistion coreectly. -kyle