Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 04/26/2011 - 19:44

Hi mr, wood this is makayla klasey p1 i had a question about Denali National Park when you where there did you see any other animals besides moose

John Wood

We did see some snowshoe hares while we were in the park, but I didn't get any good photos of them yet.Cheers,
Mr. Wood


Hi Mr. Wood, this is Makayla Klasey p1 I was wondering if you know any other types of moss besides Red moss

John Wood

Good question. There are many different kinds of mosses in the tundra. There is a lot more to learn about mosses than I ever imagined! I will be looking and learning about more of them over the next few weeks. When I do, I will be writing more about the mosses and the other organisms I'm finding around the study site.Cheers,
Mr. Wood


Hi Mr. Wood - Thank you for answering my question. I have an answer to your question, I think that the grass does not need any adaptations because we do not get very cold weather around here. From, Makayla Klasey p1

John Wood

Good thinking! You're right, but also think about how our grass has adapted not to be like the cotton grass. Even around our house, different grasses are better for different areas.Cheers,
Mr. Wood


Hi Mr. Wood it is Makayla from p1 sorry i have not written in a while. I was wondering when do huskies get to start pulling the sled and how much weight can a sled team pull


Hi Mr. Wood it is Makayla from p1 sorry i have not written in a while. I was wondering when do huskies get to start pulling the sled and how much weight can a sled team pull

John Wood

Hello. The dogs start pulling around the time they are two. Some start training earlier than that. If you have more weight to pull you put on more dogs! They can pull quite a lot depending on the snow and hill some teams pull over 800 pounds.Mr. Wood


Hi this is Makayla klasey p1. I have a answer to one of your questions half the population on coastal areas is being affected.It is being affected when the water leval gose up there is less land to live on


Hi this is Makayla klasey p1. I have a answer to one of your questions half the population on coastal areas is being affected.It is being affected when the water leval gose up there is less land to live on

John Wood

Thanks for the answers! I'm glad to see you are following along and hopefully learning some science along the way.Keep up the good work!
Mr. Wood


Hi Mr. Wood this is Makayla Klasey the first question is 388 the 2 one is it was collected in the morning because it is cooler in the morning question3 I think that it will go dowwn because it will be a little wormer.

John Wood

Thanks for the answers. Good thinking, but remember that during photosynthesis the plants are using more CO2 and giving off oxygen. The temperature is not as important and the sun.Mr. Wood


Hey Mr.Wood this is makayla klasey p1 I can not wait for you to come back here are the answers to the questions the area is tundra because of the weather and who the plant still grow just in the summer. The second one is that it will be alot hotter and there are going to be more plants and animals. The last one is there are no large trees in the tundra because of the weather there is not enough time in the summer for the plants to grow completly. Well those are my answers to the questions.

John Wood

Good job! Thanks for the answers and I will be seeing you soon.Mr. Wood