Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 05/10/2011 - 13:06

dear mr. wood, hi mr. wood i hope your having a great time studying the stuff you love! i was reading your posts and the one that caught my eye the most was the snow dogs. One not only are they adorable, but the dog that is 11 and still running with the younger dogs thats amazing! That one caught my eye so much because i have a dog the same age and he is the same way. i have two other puppies and he acts like he is the same age as them!!!!! Well, say hi to that beautiful dog for me! i also have some other questions: did you and you're friends go jogging again in snow and ice? do you get to have fancy food while on your trip? did you get to see any natives? And, if you saw any natives did u get to see them catch and share a whale with the village? thank you for your time. I cant wait to see you when you get back =)

-Marie period: 4