Hi John, It's been great following your adventures up there and learning the research methods being used to evaluate carbon balance. Now that your field work is about over, we're expecting some great follow-up from you so we can all understand what you have been doing! (No pressure).
I was wondering if you are in any of the areas that are having forest/tundra fires? A number of the Fairbanks group have been posting pictures on facebook about them. Looking at the core samples that your team took, I can imaging the upper mossy/organic horizon being some pretty good fuel if a fire started. One of the probable outcomes of climate change is a greater number of and more intense fires. Is anyone studying the incidence of fires and the implications they have as climate change indicators in a warming and drying tundra ecosystem?
Take care and enjoy this last week. I still have a week of class and a week of finals to go - but the end is in sight!