Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 11/23/2009 - 12:55

Hi! My name is Will and I am in first grade at Webb School of Knoxville. I am doing a project about Antarctica, and I wondered if you've ever had any kind of storm in Antarctica?


Your friend, Will

Sarah Diers

Wow Will,
Thank you so much for asking such a wonderful question. I am impressed that you are doing a project on Antarctica- what made you chose this continent for your project?
In answer to your question, no, I personally have never experienced a storm in Antarctica, but I have only had 5 days down here so far. I have experienced some pretty big winds and blowing snow, but nothing worse than that. It is summer down here right now and most of the terrible snow and wind storms occur during the Antarctic winter (that is during summertime in the United States.)
Wherever I go in Antarctica I am always prepared for the worst weather- I carry or wear all my ECW (see the journal titled Getting the Gear for more info on ECW) and if I am leaving McMurdo Station I also bring along a survival kit with a tent, sleeping bag, emergency food, camp stove, first aid and other items that could keep myself and one other person pretty healthy and safe for 3 days. 
At McMurdo Station we are always aware of what the weather is- there are signs posted on walls, and information available online at all times. There are 3 conditions for weather. Condition 3 is the best condition- we can travel by foot around McMurdo and have very few travel restrictions. Condition 2 is when the weather gets quite awful- our travel around town is pretty restricted and for work proposes only. When the weather gets really, really bad the town is put on building restriction- whatever building you are in when the town is informed that we are in Contidion One weather is the one you stay in until the weather gets a bit better. Keep your fingers crossed for me that we do not have a Condition One while I am here- I would not want to get stuck in a building for what could be a long time. 
 Again, Will, awesome question! If you have any more please Ask the Team! I hope you and your class is following my adventures. I love knowing that there are students in Knoxville that are joining my expedition.
Keep cool, Sarah