Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 11/21/2009 - 17:49

What is the time change from the West Coast of the United States?

Sarah Diers

Thanks for asking this question- this is one I had up until the day I got to McMurdo! Out of convienence more than anything, McMurdo Station keeps the same time as Christchurch, New Zealand. The reason for this is that most people arrive at McMurdo from Christchurch so it reduces the need to change watches yet again!
That means that McMurdo Station is 21 hours ahead of the Pacific Standard Time in the States. For example, right now it is 4:30pm on November 22 in McMurdo which is 7:30pm on November 21 in Seattle, WA.
Whew, that took some thinking from me!
Thanks again for asking such a interesting question.
Keep cool, Sarah