Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 05/01/2008 - 19:06

Hi Mrs. Pena! I was just wondering if you had found any new species yet? I bet you would write about it in your blog, but I was personally curious. If you found a species, what would you name it? If it was a plankton, maybe Penaplankto. If it were a bigger creature, maybe a isabelopolusSmile . Hope your having fun!

               Your Student, Isabel Gabriel

Katie Pena

Ha, Ha-- you are so clever and funny Isabel! We might have found some newspecies of sponges recently in our deep water dredges, but we won't reallybe sure until more research is done back on land in labs. If by chance weare able to identify a new species then I think Penaplankton andIsabelopolus are excellent names! Thanks for the questions!Miss you,Mrs. Pena