Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 04/25/2008 - 19:52


    OK you tell me you have limited Email but what is it sent by? That is to ask is it sent by single side band radio? like smaller sailboats use "sailmail" or is it sent through another form of electronic communication? 

 Is the vessal an American Flag ship? And what kind of crew does it carry? by what kind I mean how many ABs, OS, Engineer Dept. etc. beyond the science crew and how many of them are there?

 You must have sonar on the boat to map the bottom of the ocean floor does it pick up wild life too?


Katie Pena

Hi! I consulted our IT guys and they informed me that our emails are sent by satellite, similar to satellite TV. The transfer of data through this satellite is very expensive, so that limits our use. N.B. Palmer is an American Flag ship, out of Louisiana. I am still getting all the info toanswer your question on the crew, so I will respond to that later.
The sonar we use to map the bottom of the sea floor does not usually pick up marine life because we are so deep. In shallow waters, it might pick up big schools of fish or bigger marine life, but not normally.
Thanks for your questions.Mrs. Pena