Hi Katie and Team!

It has been very fun to read your journals and read all the questions from around the country! So, here is my question....

I was looking at the photo you sent of the temperature probe and noticed that it was very dark outside! Since, I'm located in Alaska and we are having longer and longer daylight hours...I was wondering how much daylight you have right now? Since we are past the spring equinox, I suspect that the daylight hours are pretty limited...I'm guessing around 7 hours? How many minutes per day are you losing?



Katie Pena

Hi Janet,
It seems like we have very little daylight, but actually we have beengetting about 9 hours of daylight. The sun usually rises at about 6 in themorning and goes down at about 3 in the afternoon. It is a little sadbecause I only get to see about 3 hours of sunlight since my watch shiftbegins at noon. I am looking forward to the wonderfully warm and sunnyweather back in Austin, Texas.
Thanks for your question.Katie