Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 05/02/2008 - 09:36

Hey this is Marisol I Go to New Start middle skool. Well I Was just wondering how many penguins have you AND your team seen and what kind? I was also wondering what kind of other species have you seen in that ecosystem?Well those are the only questions I have to ask for now!!!!!!!!! Write backSmile

Katie Pena

Dear Marisol,Thanks for your questions. The main type of penguins that we have seen areChinstrap Penguins, and we have seen probably a total of about 1,000 on thenumerous icebergs. We have seen a variety of different marine life duringour journey including corals, sponges, starfish, octopus, sea cucumbers,lobsters, shrimp, and 2 types of birds- petrels and albatros. Thanks,Mrs. Pena