Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 04/25/2008 - 11:35

Thank You Mrs. Pena for answering our questions.We have some more questions for you.

Have you found any trash or treasure in the trawls?Mila

Let us know about any other kinds of marine life you have found.What is the weirdest?Sam and Jonathan

What do you do for fun on the boat?Victoria

What other info can you give us on the squid?What do you do with the stuff you find, like the squid?Eli

Thanks Ms. Pena! It's quite steamy here in Texas.We wish we were with  you!  Ms. Brosko


Katie Pena

Hi Ms. Brosko and class!Mila, we have not found any trash, but all the corals and sponges are considered treasures to the scientists who need them for their research!
Sam and Jonathan, we have found all kinds of marine life in the trawls-- fish, octopus, snails, isopods, lobster, shrimp, corals, starfish, sponges, and the most weird/cool being a sea cucumber! Very cool stuff!
Victoria, for fun on the boat we watch movies, chat, and go to the gym.
Eli, like the squid or octopus-- the stuff we find in the trawl that is not being researched is returned back to the sea.
Thanks for the questions-- send us some of that warmth! It is freezing down here, about -15 C with the wind chill and snowing!
Mrs. Pena