Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 06:28

This is Mrs. Thomas' class reporter, Emily, with some questions we have about the expedition. We are 4th graders at Oak HIll Elem. in Austin, TX.

1. How does the Circum-Antarctic Current affect growth of the Antarctic ice sheet?


2. Do you know what causes the aurora australious? Do you think you might see it?


3. What information do you write in the watch log every 5 minutes for 12 hours?


Ms. Underwood says "hi".

All the best,

Mrs. C. Thomas' 4th grade class

Oak HIll Elem., Austin, TX 

Katie Pena

Dear Mrs. Thomas' class and their wonderful reporter, Emily, You had some very interesting and advanced questions! Here is the scoop on the growth of the Antarctic ice sheet--It is generally believed that the opening of the deep Southern Ocean gateways between Antarctica dn South America and Between Antarctica and Australia permitted complete circum-Antarctic circulation, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, may have been critical in the transition from a warm Earth in the early Cenozoic, to the much cooler Earth of present day. The opening of the Drake Passage probably broke the final barrier and created the largest deep current on Earth. This event is associated with a major, abrupt, drop in global temperatures and the rapid expansion of the Antarctic ice sheets.
I hope that fully answers your question and if you have any other questions about this please email back!
Auroras are formed when many charged solar particles enter the atmosphere and are guided along the earth's magnetic lines of force. Currently, we are not far enough south to see auroras and the cloudy weather would not permit it.
In the Underway Geophysical Watch Log we write down numerous things-- latitude, longitude, speed, CMG (course made good), depth, gravity, magnetics, and any comments. It is needed to keep all the data accurate.
Thanks so much for all the awesome questions!!Tell Ms. Underwood that I say Hi and that I miss her! Also, ask her what happened to our baseball team??
Thanks,Mrs. Pena