Submitted by Jo Dodds on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 21:33

Ms. Pena, thanks for your interesting journal entries. I hope that at least one of my classes will be able to be online for your webinar.

I saw a picture of granite rocks in your photo gallery along with the dacites and andesites. I was wondering if you could explain how the granites were part of the ocean crust.

Thanks, Jo Dodds

Katie Pena

Hi Jo Dodds,
Thanks again for your questions. We actually don't think the granites were part of the seafloor, but they have an angular shape and do not show the normal weathering and erosion like other drop stones-- so we are keeping them for further analysis. We actually think the granites are part of the continental crust of Antarctica, but would like to study them further to just be safe.
Thanks,Mrs. Pena