Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 16:42

Hi Mrs. Pena                                 5/7/08


I just heard that Chad Johnson want's to go too the Packers or the Broncos, I think that the Packers would be a good team for ms. loud mouth. Let me know what you think.


                               We miss you and good luck 

                                                   Will James                                               

Katie Pena

Hi Will!
It is great to hear from you and get sports updates! I agree that the Packers would be a good match for Chad Johnson-- he is a loud mouth, but very talented! The Packers need more veteran wide receivers-- so it might be a good place for him. I don't know how good he would get along with Mike Shanahan (the broncos coach) because he is a run first kind of coach and we all know that Chad Johnson wants the ball! What do you think? How is everything going at school? Miss you too!
Mrs. Pena

Will James

Hi Mrs. Pena                              5/8/08 Thursday
Thanks for typing back, everybody is getting along and Tobin doesnt hate Willie any more. Cedric Benson got arested on a boat in Austin, now he is saying that the police treated him badly and he has a witness. Our class is going to win in tug of "friendship" on friday!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also did you read my first entry, called some info, its got some Texas stuff. I also saw that you lost in twister! i hope you win in the loser's bracket!!!!!!  
                               Good luck and we miss you    Will James