Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 08/14/2013 - 17:38

Hi my name is Christopher from saint mark catholic school and I was wondering if the large amount rain you were getting affected you sample results.

Jamie Esler

Hi Christopher,The heavy amounts of rain certainly affect our ability to extract AMS
and Pre-Consolidation samples from the till. The wetter the till is,
the more the silt and sand sized particles 'cling' or 'stick' together.
This hinders our ability to properly clean the samples with the wire
saws and cover them with caps.
The rain does NOT, however, affect the arrangement of the magnetic till
particles that we are going to analyze within the samples.
So overall, yes, the rain certainly affects our sampling. As long as we
are meticulous about which samples to keep or discard while sampling in
the rain, our samples should still be acceptable to collect and keep.
This was a GREAT question Christopher. Thanks for following along!