Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 08/24/2013 - 13:07

Hey Mr. Esler I am in your Environmental systems class and i was wondering why is it important to study the formation of these Drumlins? Is it just for curiosity or is there a practical use for knowing how they are formed and if so what are they? I hope you had a great experience!

Caden Robertson

Jamie Esler

Hi Caden,There are several reasons why studying drumlins, and their formation, is
important for the scientific community.
First, the more that scientists know about how glaciers have moved and
behaved in the past and present, the more accurately they can predict
how glaciers may continue to move and behave in the future. With the
current warming of Earth's atmosphere (especially in the northern
hemisphere), understanding glacial mechanics is likely more important
now than ever before. The warming temperatures are causing a great
majority of the planet's glaciers to melt at alarming rates. This will
affect how societies around the world are able to access freshwater
resources and/or continue to safely live near coastal areas. With many,
many millions of people living in coastal areas and depending on the
freshwater resources from glaciers, understanding as much as we possibly
can about glaciers is imperative to the health and prosperity of these
Secondly, YES part of the reason why scientists study glaciers is out of
curiosotiy! :) That's what science is all about, right!? Pursuing and
tending to our natural curiosities about the world.
Looking forward to having you in class next week,
Mr. Esler