Hi Jamie- Congrats on your selection to PolarTREC!! I hope you will find it to be as an amazing experience as I did. Hold on tight this week- lots of stuff coming at you but well worth it.

I've always been very interested in glacial landforms and look forward to your journal posts with great anticipation. I'll be briefly touching down in Iceland this summer and hope I can connect maybe a little of what I see to your Iceland immersion experience!

Best- Bill Schmoker, 2010 PT Teacher

Jamie Esler

Hi Bill,Thank you for your presentation the other day. Your advice was clear, concise, and valuable. During a week of LOTS of information (as I am sure you know!), your tips and advice for capturing my expedition is of great worth.
I am truly excited for the trip to Iceland. I studied quite a bit of glaciology and glacial geomorphology throughout my undergrad. and am a certified "ice and snow geek". :) Getting to work with such renowned researchers in the geomorph. field is exciting in its own regard; let alone the excitement of getting to work on a field site in such a unique and remote setting. Mulajokull is the only known place in the world right now with an active drumlin field!
I'm curious if you will be able to see it from your plane. If you fly over the east-central part of the island, you very well may be able to see it.
Much more to come about the expedition in the coming weeks!
Take Care Bill,