Deanna, how would you describe your first impressions of almost-Arctic ice and cold ? Lollie :)

Terrance Jenifer

Hi Mrs. Wheeler,
Hope you are safe and having a good time. Did you test the experiment yet? Hope you stay warm.
Terrance Jenifer

Deanna Wheeler

Lollie- The cold I experienced in Fairbanks was not bone chilling as there was little wind. When I came back to Maryland I went to Special Olympics in the the mountains of western Maryland. It was windy and cold, much more so than Fairbanks. Inside any of the buildings in Fairbanks was delightfully warm. Since my children think I am cold in a 70 degree room, I think I will pack an extra layer. Thanks for asking-

Deanna Wheeler

Hello Terrance- I am excited that you found this section of the website. I was safe and warm in Alaska. Actually, I was rather warm inside as the buildings were all well heated. I was staying in a hotel for the training. Next week I will be on an icebreaker ship. I think it will be much colder then. The styrofoam experiment will probably take place after my trip as our route is in the shallow portions of the Bering Sea. The next teacher who will be on the USCGC Healy will be a teacher from Washington, DC who can do our experiment- Ms. Wheeler