John, I can't believe your expedition is almost over!We don't return to school until Jan 5, and I know the students will want to know more about your studies. I hope we can continue the dialogue. I realize it will be awhile before the science team develops answers, but have there been any surprises for them regarding Mt. Erebus? Do they plan a return study? Have a safe trip home!! Lollie

John Wood

Hello Lollie,
We have just come down from the mountain!  It's nice having all of this oxgyen to breath at sea level!  We are in the process of packing samples and picking up the last of the seismic stations that are around the base of Erebus.  Did you see the movie of the lava lake?  The kids should like that, and it shows convection currents very well.  Our dialogue can continue as long as you have questions!  I have a lot of samples and photos to organize now, and the data that we have collected will take some time to go through.  There will be more journal entries also.  Next year's plans are already beginning, but not sure yet as to what that will look like.  
Thanks so much for the input.  