Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/30/2008 - 16:04

How much global warming gas does Mount Erebus emit (equal to how many cars) per year?


Are the emissions of Erebus harmful to the ecology of the Antarctic (ozone hole, animals)?


How many active volcanoes are there in the world? Which is the largest?


How much more harmful is man to the environment compared to nature (volcanic emissions, oil seepage, termites, decomposition, human waste)? 


John Wood

Some good and tough questions.  As for the over-all nature of volcanoes and how they compare I can't say.  I will speak to the folks in my group that are monitoring the gases from Erebus and try to give you an idea of the amount and types being released from this volcano.  Erebus is only one of over 600 volcanoes in the pacific ring of fire alone!
Mr. Wood 


Thank you Mr. Woods, stay warm! We are about to enter the coldest winter ever. I hope your summer is good.