Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 10/07/2008 - 08:59

Hello John,my name is Alex Sanchez iam in 8th grade student at new start middle shool in Flagstaff.

What are you reseaching about the valcono that you are doing. We have about 600 extinct and dormant valconos in Flagstaff.How long did you go to school to learn about you like your job by working with valconos. what grade and school do you teach.How do you like California,isnt really great to be there. Iam from California and I really like it there. Do like to work with kids and how is it to you.

I be looking for hearing you and thank you for reading my letter.



Alex Sanchez

Mr. Wood

Hello Alex,
 Thank you for the questions.  It sounds like you have a lot of volcanic sites to explore right in your own town.  That's great!  We will be looking at Mt. Erebus and the other volcanoes that makeup Ross Island.  We will be using seismic waves to look at the inside of the volcanoes.  I have spent more than six years in college learning about science and teaching.  I love teaching and science, and I love to work with students.  I teach 6th grade science, and yes, I also really like living in California!  Let me know what you find around the volcanoes around Flagstaff and I will let you know what I find in Antarctica.
Keep in touch,
Mr. Wood