Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 10/02/2008 - 10:10

 Dear Mr.Wood

 Im Sonya an 8th grade student from Flagstaff Arizona. I was wondering if you can be my pen pal for the rest of the year.

 Im very intresed in what you do with the volcanos. How do you like doing work on volcanos? How long did you have to go to school for what you do? I heard that you are a middle school teacher. What grade do you teach? Will you miss your students when you go on your trip.

thanks for reading my letter and ill be looking forward to hearing from you


Sonya Benavidez

John Wood

Dear Sonya,
Hello to Flagstaff!  Thank you for the letter, this is my very first.  I am still in the beginning of this process and still learning a lot myself.  I would love hear from you during the year and keep you informed about my trip.  Studying volcanoes is great!  There is always something new to find.  
I have spent over 6 years in college working on my degrees, but I have learned even more just being out and looking at what is going on around us.  Do you have any volcanic areas near you?  
My sixth graders are looking forward to my trip, but I'm sure they will miss me a little.  I won't miss them as long as I can share the experience.  I look forward to getting together with them after the trip and talking about what we all have learned.
Keep in touch!
Mr. Wood 


Hey Mr.Woods
Thats cool that i was the first peson to write to you. How is the weather over there were you live. Its really cold over here in Flagstaff.
In our class room we are testing the water at the pond by our school. We also made a setiment trap that we are going to find out what is in the water. The thing i do is test the water with ph,trubity,desolved o2 and stuff like that. What are you going t obe doing in the artic?
Well thanks for reading my letter ans ill be looing foward to hearing from you.
Sonya Benavidez


Hey Mr.Woods
Thanks for writing me back.I think that its cool that i was the first person ot write you. How is the weater were your at. Its cold over here in Flagsstff. Yeas we do have volanic areas we have 600 extinct and dormant volanos here in northen Arizona. If you want to see volcanos you shold come here.
In our class we are testing water ans making a sediment trap. we are testing the water in a pond by our school. we tested for e-coli and it tested for postive and yuck i all most fell in it. then for the sedtiment trap we ae ging to find out what is in the water. Are you doing anythink with you class somthing like this?
Well thanks for reading my letter and ill be looking foward from hearing from you.
Sonya Beavidez

Mr. Wood

Hello again Sonya,
Sounds like you have been busy in your class.  With over 600 volcanoes near you, there are lots of things to get out and look at!  That's great.  The water tests sound like fun.  But don't fall in!  My class and I will be looking at water and how it changes the land.  Keep up the good work, and be safe!
Mr. Wood