Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 08:57

Hey its me Sonya Benavidez

Yeah our class is really busy. We are kind of done with the pond. But we still check the water samples every Monday and Friday. We are also makeing a little verison of the pond so we can put it on our desk.

Have you always been into volcanos? What type of volcanos do you like?


Sonya Beanvidez

John Wood

Hello again Sonya,
Good to hear from you again.  Sounds like the pond was fun.  What kind of things do you like to do in science?  
I am pretty new to volcanos, but I have always been interested in them.  I think that any volcano has something to show you, if you are willing to look for it.  I know that I will be learning a lot of things this season in Antarctica.  Keep in touch.
Mr. Wood