Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 12/08/2008 - 18:27

Dear Mr. Wood,

 We are starting a new chapter on volcanoes and I came across an interesting fact.  It said that volcano also have side vents.  I was wondering if Mt. Erebus had any side vents and if there are side vents on Mt. Erebus can you tell it's there or would snow cover it up?


 Alex Nguyen from period 2

John Wood

Hello Alex,
Great questions.  Not all volcanoes have side vents, and the volcanoes that do have the side vents don't have all the time.  The mountain changes over time and eruptions.  Erebus does not have any side vents at this time.  There are different craters on the mountain that were active in the past but only one main crater today.
Mr. Wood 


Hi Mr. Wood,
Mr. Johnson showed us the new pictures you just posted up on Polar Trec. For the picture that you labeled "Ice Towers" you said that the vapor from vents freezes. What is the vent you were talking about since you just told me Mt. Erebus had no vents besides the main vent?
Alex Nguyen
2nd period


Hi Mr.wood
Mr. Johnson showed us the pictures you just put up new picture on Polar Trec. On the picture that you labeled "Ice Towers", the caption you put under the picture said that the tower formed from gases escaping a vent. What vent was that since it cannot be the one on Mt. Erebus?
Alex Nguyen
2nd period

John Wood

There are vents for the lava to come out, which is what I thought you were asking about before.  These vents in the photos are very much smaller and release gases and water vapor.  They are usually referred to as fumaroles.  Does that help?
Mr. Wood