Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 12/06/2008 - 19:09


Just wanted to say hi and let you know that your Talbert Family misses you. We did get the news that you are doing well and that makes us happy. I heard that you becoming somewhat accustomed to your new climate-how you can do that is beyond me. Be safe, stay warm and enjoy yourself. Let us know when you fly the flag.

Good thoughts-


John Wood

Cathie and family,
I think about my nice warm classroom as i'm in my sleeping bag watching the frost form around my face!  And you know how I dress!  Being up here, seeing the volcano, feeling the cold and just taking it all in, is something that I wish I could share with the students.  It can't be put into words.  I am getting some great photos and video (until the cameras freeze and stop working).  The first day that we get the weather I will be taking shots of our flag on the summit!  Everyone has been impressed with Michelle's design and the amount of interest and questions from our students.  Please give my best to everyone, and let the kids know on the morning news that science is alive and well in Antarctica!
Thanks for everything!


It is true, we miss YOU!
Rachel E.