Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 03/31/2009 - 03:27

Hey Mr. Martin Sorry if you've already answered this question but, what are you guys eating over there? Any local Pevek food? -Drew Wang

Tim Martin

Hi Drew...
The food...The first night in Moscow, the food was spectacular! The first night in Pevek the food was good... but Pevek only has one restaurant. After that, we were eating at the mining company that is supporting the expedition. The soups have been very good, usually for our main meal, we have had some meat, sourcrout (sp?), and either pasta, rice or potatoes. The meat is OK if you like everything boiled... (boiled pork, boiled beef or it may have been reindeer, and lots of boiled meat-balls)...There is a big lack of vegetables...they are so expensive! I was in one store where carrots were two for four dollars.