Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 08:54

Hello, my name is Francisco Betancourt and I am a student at East Palo Alto Academy High School. From what I have read so far in your journals I can see that you are enjoying the expedition. I cannot wait to read any new updates. I have a question about your encounter with Soviet era relics. How did you feel when you encountered Soviet era relics?

Tim Martin

Fransisco, I have thought of your question often. When I was in school, I was taught to be afraid of the Russians. We practiced "civil-defense" drills along with fire drills. In case of the Soviets launching a Nuclear strike, we would crawl under our desks to "duck and cover". We saw movies of life in the Soviet Union and taught about how they all respected their leaders. In town, I saw several statues of Lenin and many symbols from the soviet era. One man in Pevek, gave me a pin of the communist workers party... As I meet many Russians, it is good to know that people who were "supposed" to be my enemy are quickly becoming my friends.


That is so amazing I am glad that you had the privilege of meeting people from across the ocean. I am happy that you had the opportunity to see what life is in Siberia. Thank you!