Hi Lesley!

I can't believe that you are finally on your way to Antarctica! Where did the time go? Sorry to hear about the weather but I've spent time in NZ and it's a wonderful place to be stuck at! Enjoy the greenery and all your light clothes....that will all soon change ;)

Here's hoping the weather calms down so you can leave on Monday!

Cheers, Janet

Lesley Urasky

Janet,One of the things that has made being stranded here are my new friends, Jean Pennycook - I hear you know her well, and Jessie Fudge (a McMurdo doctor). We've stayed grounded (figuratively and literally!) by visiting and traveling around Christchurch and the environs. I've absolutely LOVED visiting with Jean and learning about her experiences and how her TRE opened so many doors for her. It makes me doubly excited!!
Thanks for the opportunity!