Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 16:12

Hello Mr. Lampert, i have been posting my questions in the wrong spot all this time so here is my questions Week 1 (april 25,27,30) 1) whay is the ammouint of frozen water in the glacier 2) what is the tempraature of the ice on average. 3) How many boards are you guys using to track the glacier?

Week 2 (May 2,4,6) 1) What is the power sources for the boards? 2) who is in charge at this whole expedition? or is a team type deal? 3 What kind of stuff are you guys eating, can you cook food or is it all non perishable?

Week 3 ( may 11, today) 1) Have you guys successfully made any calls 2) What do you guys do in your free time?


I missed a week of school (May 16- 20) so i dont know if i am required to do questions so i will do them anyway.1) How large are the tunnels you are in, and do they have one entrance/exit or are the all the way through the glacier?
2) Do you have your own cabin or are you sharing?
3) What is the time difference between Oregon and where you are?

Michael Lampert

the tunnels are large enough for the machines that crush the rock and haul it out, about twenty five feet across, they are deadend one way tunnels but they have multiple tunnels so each goes into another so you can say those are exits.there is one cabin and it is shared by all
nine hour difference, we get the day before you do.

Michael Lampert

well, i learned to play cribbage in my free time, and to the other questions, the accelerometers are just the sparkfun ones used with arduino boards, there are six total, and one wireless, which is really experimental because no one has down wireless glacier accelerometers before. most of the other questions have been answered in other posts.