Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 05/12/2011 - 10:42

What is the geology of the glacier?

-Jackie, Kenji, and Ellen


5/16 What percent of the earth is made up of glaciers?-Kenji, Jackie, Ellen


5/17 Do glaciers cause earthquakes?-Ellen, Kenji, Jackie


5/19 How fast is the glacier moving?-Jackie, Ellen, Kenji

Michael Lampert

the glacier moves about 1 meter a day on the surface and a tenth of that below

Michael Lampert

i think you are asking if the weight of a glacier can cause the earth to deform enough to make a local seismic event... I do not know. I do know that the weight of ice on earth does cause the earth to deform and it still is springing back up in places long after the ice has gone away. I would imagine in this process that very small earthquakes might happen, just do not know for sure.

Michael Lampert

hardly any. but if you mean by fresh water volume, it is about seventy percent of all fresh water.

Michael Lampert

the geology around the glacier is a gneiss rock, or a granite that has metamorphosed into many folds with intrusions of other minerals. it is a strong rock, fun to climb on. and fun to look for small garnets.