Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 10:57

Have you run into any technical difficulties/problems?

-Lucas, Jon, Brad, and Brock


What latitude do glaciers usually reside?colin, connor, riley


Why are glaciers blue?- Max, Hayden


Mr. Lampert:
Have you found the AllSpark? Or any hidden Decepticons?
Also, what color is the glacier? Is it actually blue?
Maggie and Ida


Have you been ice skating? have you seen anything pressured in the ice?Armando & Grace


What is your everyday life like in the glacier? Whats your routine or job?Trent and Morgan


What particular tests are you doing on the glacier? How are they going?Megan and Jordan

Michael Lampert

i spent most of the time helping in installing accelerometers and the force plate... i will know results from the researchers later.

Michael Lampert

clean, cook, fix stuff, solder, move stuff...try to get out of the tunnel.

Michael Lampert

i did not see anything pressurized in the ice... but there was a lemming or mouse found long ago

Michael Lampert

no, sorry no decpticons.. the blue is real. the white light of the sun hits the glacier and only blue emerges, the other colors are absorbed. very blue indeed.

Michael Lampert

light that strikes the glacier goes in and most of it is absorbed. the only color that manages to go farthest is blue, and during that time it scatters about and you see the glacier as blue.

Michael Lampert

above and below 67 degrees ,... but they are all over depending on altitude.