Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 05/04/2011 - 12:11

5/2/11 We know about the arduino boards, but how exactly do they figure out the rate at which the glacier is melting?

5/4/11 How old is the tunnel you're staying in?

Thanks -Ryan and Jake

Michael Lampert

the arduino boards are sensing the acceleration through an accelerometer chip that adds onto the board, and this goes to a data logger that goes into the board too.


What is the temperature inside & outside the glacier (for contrast)
About how old is the glacier you're staying in? How do they know?
Hope you're doing okay,
-Ryan and Jake

Michael Lampert

the glacier formed about ten thousand years ago when the earth was colder... you know this by looking at oxygen isotopes, the water is heavier with oxygen 18 vs oxygen 16... so water that evaporates from the ocean can be traced. the temperature is right now is the temperature you can look up at bodo norway


Compared to the power generated from the dams along the Columbia, how much power is generated from the runoff of the glacier?
-Ryan and Jake


How fast is the glacier moving, is that a normal speed? What is the average speed of a glacier?
-Ryan and Jake


How easy is it to dougie on the ice? Is this ability different when compared to dougieing on gravel? how about linoleum?
-Ryan and Jake


how long are they estimating until the glacier completely melts?
-Ryan and Jake

Michael Lampert

there is no estimate, the graph of melting has no predictable pattern to it... it would require a global climate model which I do not know exists.

Michael Lampert

ok... lets see how do I answer that... definitely easier to dougie on ice... just need polaroid sunglasses and the snow look.... who in the world dougies on linoleum??????

Michael Lampert

oh, that is such a good question. I would look at it from water volume and guess it is about a hundredth of the columbia.