Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 05/05/2011 - 09:39

Are there inhabited cities close to the glacier or is it out in the middle of nowhere?

Michael Lampert

in Norway there are little towns all along the fjords in which the glaciers empty into, so yes, there are many inhabited cities... the people come out here to picnic at the base of the glacier in the summer.


Does the distance that the glacier moves each year vary significantly or does it stay consistent?

Michael Lampert

great question, it is very inconsistent over the last hundred years, mostly retreating though.


What's the difference between a band ogive and a wave ogive? Are there either type at the glacier you are visiting?


How deep is the glacier?

Michael Lampert

the glacier at the top is rather deep..I will guess at around 500 meters. where we are in the middle of the glacier it is 200 meters.

Michael Lampert

band ogives are alternating dark and light bands in the ice. not entirely sure how they come about. wave ogives are structural waves in the ice from seasonal variablity in the plasticity of the ice. on Svartisen I do not see this, but I am untrained. I did see on the bedrock certain undulating wave patterns that could have a wavelength if viewed with a radar.