Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 05/10/2011 - 14:12

Syd: Are you related to Jens and Arla? That would mean you have gummy bear blood.

Caleb: How much does an isotope weigh?

Scottie: What is glacier road?

Eric: How many isotobps are in a chunk of ice?

Dylan: Do Jens and Arla help you do any of your worK? Do they help write your journals?

We read the Magic School Bus book on climate change. We learned that glacier melting is happening at a fast rate. Is that what is happening there?

We enjoyed learning about your project and seeing where you are living. Stay safe. From third grade.

Michael Lampert

ok Syd... I had a great great great uncle on my mothers side who use to wait at night in the park until the gummy bears came out.. he would snatch them and make soup out of them. green only. so maybe i have green blood.caleb... wow, great question. isotopes come in many shapes and sizes... so there is not one weight. with regular water it might weigh 16 units.. an isotope of water might weigh 18 units. when you drink water all the water in your cup does not weigh the same, some is heavy, if you spun it, the heavy water would surge to the outside of the glass.
scottie, Not sure what glacier road is .. do you mean the road that is in the tunnel under the glacier?
eric, wow, lots of isotopes probably .. but only two main ones, the heavy and light water types
dylan, jens and arla are pretty busy with other stuff, they kept me company for awhile checking me out, I think they trust me.
the magic school bus is fun to read. I am not sure what will happen to this glacier, it has melted a lot. maybe it is slowing for now, maybe it will speed up.. it will be interesting to see what the data says.