Hi Mary, I spent some time last year trying to acquaint my students with ocean currents, melting ice, water temperatures,and the effect of upwhelling (sp) on the food sources brought to the surface for sea birds and other marine critters. We followed the Pachederme project off South America and that really captured their interest...penquins you know.
I personally love Puffins and got my students really interested in them. My question is, what, if anything, are you finding about the food sources available for the Auklets as the effects of global warming are felt on sea water temperatures? Is this changing the types, amounts, seasonal availability of their traditional food sources? Are they needing to adjust their eating areas? Is there any effect yet at all?
I'm hoping posts to this website and your journal will be available on into the fall months so I can share them with my students. They are great tools to promote reading from live sources and the students really enjoyed feeling a part of Polar Husky and the Baffin Island Project. Keep up the good work and enjoy every moment of your experience.
Barney Peterson, EW alum