Hi Mary Anne and company
I was really delighted to see your photos, especially the day-old chick. It looks like the weather is at least good enough to allow you to get out and work with the auks. How many hours is it daylight? Also what is the average daytime temperature? Even though you are bundled up you look realitvely comfortable. Another question: who lives in the town/village of Ittoqqortoormiit and what is the source of their living? As you can probably tell i'm as intersted in the cultural aspect of your expedition as the scientific.
As for news from home: The world must not be falling apart any faster than usual as the big weekend news shows mostly focused on the release of the last Harry Potter book and whether or not Barry Bonds would hit the big homerun (I don't think he has yet). It's hot in the Napa Valley and flooding in central England and Texas. I just returned from five days backpacking in Granite Chief wilderness with a friend, her dog, beautiful wildflowers and an ample supply of chocolate. Life doesn't get much betteer except probably in Greenland! Love, Nancy Felling