Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 07/22/2007 - 02:03

Just wanted to send some warm greetings to my friend, Ann.  It has been wonderful to receive news from your world and the pictures are just great!  Don't worry, you're not missing out on anything here, all news in the real world is pretty much bad news so enjoy the seclusion while you can!  I wish you all the best for the rest of your season, it makes me wish I was there with you!

Many hugs,


Mary Anne Pell…

Hi Naomi,Super to get your note. Yes, I'm enjoying the seclusion from the "real world"; you know me! We are working hard, but, it's not as tiring as multi-tasking at home for me. I know you can relate.
Life here is much more simple; data collection, safety, food and sleep (not necessarily in that order...). We are a little tired, but it's an exciting time of the breeding season... chicks growing fast, and lots to do before the school visit on the 2nd August.
It felt like winter early this winter... I was in the blind starting a 48 hour observation in a blizzard. Hopefully the good weather will return soon, the colony rocks are very slippy in the damp rain and snow.
Enjoy Alaska summer for me, and good luck with your writing. Hugs returned to you and the rest of the AK gang, Ann