Hi, Mary Anne,
I just read your several posts from Iceland and Greenland. It sounds like it's been a great trip--your last post was about foggy days and limited auk-observing, and I'll be looking forward to hearing more.
I'm sure Rekjavik was fascinating to be in, too--I may have told you that I was there & toured the rest of Iceland once, "ages" ago, around 1970, a geology field trip while in grad school; wonderful place. My only Greenland experience has been a glimpse while flying over it.
I have some geological maps of Greenland, somewhere--I should dig them out (?) and see what kind of bedrock geology there is at your area! Parts of Greenland (more to the south I believe) have some very unusual igneous rocks, much studied by mineralogists.
Take care, and let us know what the auks & scientists & you are doing!
Pete Modreski, Denver CO