Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 07/22/2007 - 21:32

Hi Mary Anne & Team.  It's great seeing more posts and photos being uploaded.  Although you may feel pretty secluded, I think you have a great following out here on the internet.  Mary Anne, are you the sole computer communication link for the team?  (I know others have satellite phones) Do you have certain times when you can download and read these questions?  Do the others also have access to e-mail with their own computers?  Also, is it better to communicate with you on this forum or to send you an e-mail at your polartrec address?  (Which is easier for you to read?)  Tell Ewan the fish kiss photo is now making him famous in California as well!  It sounds like Ann is running a very professional and well organized expedition and it's comforting to us here at home to know your team is working so well together. Keep the info coming! Love Mike



Mary Anne Pell…

Hi there, There is a computer here to organize data and write down some analysis. Mine is the only one with internet connection so, yes, I am the sole communication link here as far as email. Ann does get text messages on the satellite phone, and there are weekly calls, but that's it. there is not always a link to PolarTREC web. I try many different times a day and only make connections about 20 percent of the time. So, if the connection does not work within the window I attempt to do it, then a message does not get posted.
It's up to the colony, in which case it is for 8-10 hours. We did have a quiet day today, when we washed a few clothes, and caught up on paperwork. After a seal was spotted over on some sea ice somewhat close to the beach, we took a little field trip. Four of us, Rachael was sleeping, walked out to the beach and clearly saw a bearded seal. It was huge. We then trudged out along the edge of the sea ice to get a closer look. It was huge, and in front of it in a melted pond of sea water, seven other seals peeked out at us. Wonderful.
We have now each gotten personal emails on my address at PolarTREC, and I receive publicized emails in this format. I am taking my job very seriously, and am in the process of writing up more specialized pieces on each team member. So you can look forward to that. There is no shortage of things to write about and I am well past 350 photos. It just takes time to write, edit, post, upload and be an able bodied assistant to the team.
Glad all is well. XOXO Mary Anne