Submitted by Jo Dodds on Sun, 07/01/2007 - 13:14

Hi Mary Anne.  I know you are getting ready for your expedition.  I am curious as to how you will get to Greenland.  Will you go through Iceland or is there a more direct way for you to get to your remote location? 

 Jo Dodds

Mary Anne Pell…

Hi Jo,

    You must be back, I look forward to comparing notes.

The route to the field camp, Kap Keongh, takes several steps.  I fly to Iceland,  then take a commercial jet to Constable Point in Greenland.  A few hours later, a helicopter grabs me and all my personal belongings and after soaring for 40 minutes, hopefully drops me off at the camps 'front door'.  On the return , if the scheduled boat can get through the bay, we will be escorted back to the village for a few days of audio recording work with the greenlandic high school volunteers.

    Eight days until G day!

Take care

Mary Anne