Hi, Mary Anne and the science team,
I've been curious to try to look up and see what kinds and ages of bedrock are present in your part of Greenland. I find it's quite a challenge--there aren't that many maps available (especially online) and it's pretty hard to locate a given site on the maps. For a start, I'm having a tough time locating Kap Hoegh on the geologic maps I've found. The PolarTREC-Seabird Ecology site doesn't seem to have any detailed map(s) showing the location, other than the general loc. on East Greenland, displayed on a pole-centered map of half the world. Can one of you, for a start, give me the latitude & longitude of your study site? That would be a bit of a help! I've found a number of websites that describe visits to that general area, but none seem to include any clear index map showing the location. Thanks!
Pete Modreski (Denver, CO, USGS and "Earthworks")