Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 08/17/2008 - 04:14


Missy, thanks for doing such a great job documenting our activities and capturing the day to day challenges and rewards associated with working in the high arctic.  You have been a tremendous asset to our group and an active participant in the research -- your hard work and positive demenor have been much appreciated - well done Missy!

Missy Holzer

Thank you!
This was such an unbelievable opportunity to be a participant infascinating and important research in such a beautiful place with suchawesome people! I've become so used to the bare landscape of the Arcticand now when I see the trees here in New Jersey and think of what's hidingbeneath. My mind will be wandering back to the pristine Linne Valley fora long time to come, and I'm looking forward to promoting polar research wherever and whenever I can! Thanks for everything!