For the past 2 hours I have studied every section of this wonderful web site. So many fascinating stories in Mike's journal, unbelievable pictures from the plane and oh so many smilely faces! Laura, I found lot's of pictures of you, but no bears!! I was surprised to see the team dressed in summer clothes in some of the photos having no idea that there would be warmth there at all. The tradition of removing shoes before entering was another surprise - who would have ever thought that would be a requirement in your icy part of the world!
I envy all of you - what an outstanding opportunity you are being exposed too, an opportunity of a lifetime, probably never to be equalled!!!! I have no questions to ask the team, I just wanted to say how very fortunate all of you are and what wonderful things your are learning as well as visions that will remain with you forever from this unique expedition.
With great respect and admiration, Marcelle Lieberman marcellel [at]