Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 11/12/2011 - 10:56

Wow, love the videos and blogs! We'll be sure to watch/discuss in RODEO on Mondays and/or Wednesdays. I do have a Skype account and would love for the students and I to Skype with you during RODEO sometime soon. Maybe another 8th grade RODEO near my room can join as well. What time is that for you and when would be a good Monday or Wednesday? Should we have the students prep academic questions for the Skype session?

Please continue to keep us updated via email so that we are sure to go to your webpage when its updated and show the students too. How exciting!

Ps, The driving video is like it is in Great Britain - on the left, but I'm a South Paw, so makes perfect sense to me! : )

Take care and keep warm,


Michelle Brown

Hi Serena!
I should be able to skype but haven't found out all the details yet. Let me try to figure it out and then we can figure out a time! (I will be in "Happy Camper" school Monday and Tuesday--your Sunday and Monday, so I won't be able to find out more until after that!).
I would love to have a RODEO skype session -- I could do a few classes each day/week depending on what they allow. Google video chat also works. I'll think about how we can get the biggest impact--maybe I can create a powerpoint and send it to you all to review with your students before or during the skype. I know when I skyped with a teacher in Antarctica, we had one computer projecting the powerpoint and another computer for the skype.
Glad you like the videos and I miss my OHMS family!